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How to enter a university in Belarus for citizens of Turkmenistan

If you are a citizen of Turkmenistan and plan to enroll in a university in Belarus, this article will help you understand the enrollment process and the required documents.

Choosing a university and a program

The first step is to choose a university and study program. At present, diplomas of the following Belarusian universities are recognized in Turkmenistan: BSU, BGUIR, BNTU, BSMU, Yanka Kupala State University, VSMU, F. Skaryna State University, GSMU, GrSMU, Efrosinya Polotskaya State University. The list may change every year, so you should check the current information on the website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in the "ranking" section before applying.

Document preparation

After choosing a university and a program of study, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents, which includes:

  1. A copy of passport;
  2. a copy of the birth certificate;
  3. a copy of the school certificate;
  4. medical report on the state of health;
  5. certificate of absence of HIV infection.

This package of documents is required to receive an invitation to study for visa application. However, some universities only need to provide a copy of passport and certificate to prepare the invitation, not the full package of documents.

Then you should translate all documents into Russian and submit them to the university of your choice. In some universities it is possible to have an online interview. After applying, you must wait for an invitation from the university.

But it is worth remembering that summer is a period of vacations, and many employees do not work, and the flow of students is large, so the invitation will be prepared 2-3 weeks, but can take up to 1.5 months.

Therefore, if you have not yet received your school certificate in your hands but you already know that you want to study in Belarus, you can use the following lifehack: in May, after the exams, go to the school and get a report of education with grades. Translate the report into Russian and send it to us. This will allow you to send the documents a month earlier and speed up the process of receiving an invitation.

Information on invitations can be checked on the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan.

Obtaining a visa and purchasing tickets

Once you have received the invitation, you can proceed with the visa application and ticket purchase. To obtain a visa you will need:

  1. one copy of the visa application form on a form according to the approved form in the Belarusian/Turkmen languages;
  2. one photo (size 35x45 mm);
  3. passport;
  4. invitation to study;
  5. confirmation of consular fee payment (60 EUR).

  It is mandatory to inform the university of the date and time of arrival and check the availability of all original documents. It is recommended to inform the university about the date of arrival in order to book a dormitory.

Arrival in Belarus and registration

Upon arrival in Belarus it is necessary to report to the university within working days with all documents. Within 10 days after arrival it is necessary to make a temporary registration in the Citizenship and Migration Unit. Violation of migration laws can lead to serious consequences.

Enrolment and beginning of studies

After registering, you need to

  • attend an interview (if no online interview);
  • check into the dormitory;
  • sign a study agreement;
  • undergo a medical examination at the student polyclinic;
  • collect documents to pay tuition fees from Turkmenistan.

After completing all these steps, you will officially be granted the status of a student of a Belarusian university.

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Medical business
6 years
Belarusian State Medical University
Bachelor's degree
Modern foreign languages (teaching)
5 years
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Bachelor's degree
Information Security
2 years
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Online interview
Master's degree