Answers to popular questions

We have compiled all the popular answers to frequently asked questions, as well as feedback from our students


Service fee

In just a few steps, we can help you prepare everything you need!

It will take:

Select a program
Fill out an application
Collect and send us the necessary documents
Activate service

Foreign diploma recognition

We help those who have already received a bachelor's or master's degree in another country and plan to continue higher education in Belarus to recognize foreign diplomas:

advise on the necessary documents;
prepare all necessary documents;
organize the filing of documents for confirmation.
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Personal Manager

For those who need ongoing support

Personalized accompaniment and assistance:

document filing
SIM card registration + internet
training agreement
study group enrollment
Registration with citizenship and migration authorities
escort during medical examinations
help you get settled in
help in emergencies
transfer from the airport/railway station to the hostel
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Transfer Minsk

We will meet you at the airport, take you to the place, tell and show you everything :)

We'll take care of it:

Check-in to the dormitory (preliminary reservation of a place)
Assistance with household and other related issues
Assistance in SIM card issuance
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Transfer regions

We will meet you at the airport, take you to the place, tell and show you everything :)

It's gonna take:

Check-in to the dormitory (preliminary reservation of a place)
Assistance with household and other related issues
Assistance in SIM card issuance
Activate service

Scholarship application

Don't miss the opportunity to study in Belarus for free! We will help you to collect the necessary documents and apply for a grant.

It's quite realistic:

good marks on the school certificate
speak good Russian or English
you want to get free education abroad
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