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Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk the main image
State / Dormitory

General Information

Polotsk State University is an educational institution that trains specialists with higher educationin various areas and actively participates in international cooperation. Foreign citizens are actively invited to study at PSU.

Information about the university

The first higher educational institution in Belarus, the Jesuit Academy, was opened in Polotsk. And in the neighboring city of Novopolotsk, the Novopolotsk Polytechnic Institute was established . In 1993, Polotsk State University was opened on its basis. By 2005, the walls of the former Jesuit Academy had been restored and this cultural and architectural monument began to accept PSU students.

The university structure

The university comprises 9 schools:
  • Humanities;
  • Civil Engineering;
  • Mechanical-technological;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Information technologies;
  • Financial and economic;
  • Law;
  • For work with foreign students;
  • Joint School of PSU-TUT.

The university has its own technopark, as well as an institute for retraining and advanced studies.

The university provides training for specialists at two levels of higher education and the first stage of postgraduate education. On the basis of the university, master's and postgraduate courses are successfully functioning.

The university also includes a preparatory department, and a driving school operates on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. On the basis of PSU, the Regional Educational, Scientific and Practical Legal Center has been opened.

The status of the university and academic programs

Polotsk State University is a classical European-type university. More than 9,000 students study here, including postgraduates and graduate students. Among them there are many representatives of near and far abroad from more than 20 countries of the world.

For foreign citizens, the doors of Polotsk State University are open in almost all directions of activities. Applicants are given the opportunity to study at the preparatory department and / or Russian language courses. Then they can go to baccalaureate, magistracy, postgraduate courses or undergo retraining in their specialty.
PSU has two prestigious specialties, the education of specialists for which is not carried out in other Belarusian universities:

  • “Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities ”;
  • “Chemical technologies of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”.

For the past 10 years, PSU has been included in the list of leading Belarusian universities in the field of research.

Education of foreign students at PSU is conducted in two languages ​​- Russian and English. 

According to the Webometrics rating, Polotsk State University ranks the 8th among Belarusian universities and the 4826th in the world ranking.

The university is actively developing in the field of international cooperation, academic mobility and partnership with foreign universities.
Educational buildings
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Life Conditions

Accommodation of nonresident and foreign students is provided by 7 dormitories subordinated to PSU. Each building has everything necessary for a comfortable stay, including laundries, gyms and self-study rooms for students.

Meals at PSU is provided by 11 catering facilities. All of them are located in educational buildings and dormitories. Days of Belarusian cuisine are held on the basis of food outlets, consumer demand is being actively studied.

Leisure at PSU is provided by creative associations and a sports club. Dance, vocal, art and theater studios are active and help students develop and strengthen their talents. On the basis of the university there are many sports sections, for example, volleyball, judo, swimming, athletics. An annual sports contest is held, including many sports.

PSU has excellent stadiums, gyms, tennis courts, and billiards and tennis halls. Promotion and strengthening a healthy and sporting lifestyle is one of the most important areas of the university activities.


Payment for accommodation in a PSU dormitory for foreign students is established by order of the rector of the university. The price includes accommodation and use of premises, laundry, sports rooms and the provision of bedding.
Sports complexes

University programs

Education levels