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Belarusian State Medical University

Belarusian State Medical University the main image
State / Dormitory

General Information

BSMU is the Belarusian State Medical University. This educational institution is open for admission of foreign citizens to study and actively participates in exchange programs. BSMU is a leading University in the Republic of Belarus and is widely known abroad. The history of the University dates back to 1921, when the medical faculty was founded at Belarusian State University.  In 1930, the Belarusian Medical Institute was opened, and then in 2001, the Belarusian Medical Institute was renamed the Belarusian State Medical University. Since then, it has been of leading importance among all the universities of the country.

The University structure

The structure of the Belarusian State Medical University comprises 72 faculties, which are divided into clinical and theoretical ones.

BSMU consists of 9 schools and 3 institutes:

  • general médecine;
  • preventive médecine;
  • pediatrics;
  • dentistry;
  • medicine school of international students;
  • pharmacy;
  • military medicine;
  • career guidance and pre-university training;
  • institute of advanced training and retraining of healthcare personnel.

The University has the Association of graduates of BSMU and the Association of foreign graduates of BSMU. Also, since 1954, the University has had a Central Research Laboratory (CRL).

The Status of the University and academic programs

The teachers of the Belarusian State Medical University is a team that consists of more than 1550 experienced teachers, more than 64% of whom have academic degrees. The teaching staff also has 3 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences, 12 laureates of the State Prizes of the USSR, the BSSR and the Republic of Belarus, 12 Honored Scientists of the BSSR (Republic of Belarus), 3 Honored Doctors of the BSSR (Republic of Belarus), 1 Honored Educator of the Republic of Belarus and 1 Honored health  care worker of the Republic of Belarus.

The highest priority ​ of BSMU activity is international cooperation; therefore, the University is actively involved in international research programs such as TEMPUS, TASIS and others. BSMU collaborates with WHO and is a member of such communities as the International Association of University graduates, the International Association of Higher Medical Education, the Association of Medical Schools of Europe (AMSE).

The Belarusian State Medical University annually concludes 10-15 international agreements with foreign universities. Teachers of the Belarusian State Medical University regularly attend symposiums and conferences abroad, as well as the University participates in the student exchange programs for them to have practice.

According to the latest Webometrics data, the University is on  the 3470th place in the world and on 3th place among the  Belarusian universities.

Foreign citizens can first study at the preparatory faculty in order to master the necessary basis for admission to BSMU; There are also special Russian language courses for specialists who would like to improve their qualifications at this University.

For specialties of dentistry, pharmacy and general medicine the studying of students is provided not only in Russian but also in English.

More than 7000 students, postgraduates, clinical residents study at the University, including more than 2000 foreign citizens from more than 50 countries are educated in Russian and English.
Educational buildings
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Life Conditions

Accommodation, meals and leisure

The campus of the Belarusian State Medical University consists of 12 dormitories located in three administrative districts of the city of Minsk.

Some dormitory buildings are corridor-type dormitories; there is also a sectional building and a block one. Each dormitory has everything necessary for students: laundry, kitchen, self-study rooms and gyms.

For leisure activities  BSMU has established a student club where there are a variety of creative Amateur groups. The student club has at its disposal a nice  Assembly hall with 850 seats, as well as modern technical equipment for events.

For students and employees of BSMU there is a sanatorium. It is located in the city of Minsk and, in addition to health-improving procedures, provides medical nutrition.

There are three buffets and three canteens where the students can fully dine with hot meals.


The cost of accommodation in the dormitory for foreign citizens, as well as for residents of other cities is regulated by order of the rector of the University. The payment includes the use of the accommodation and surrounding areas, kitchen and bedding.
Sports complexes

University programs

Education levels