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Bioengineering, cyber security, 3D-technologies. Modern specialities in Belarusian universities that are available to foreign students

Belarusian universities are opening more and more specialities at the intersection of several fields. This is due to the need for diversified specialists who will develop new technologies and solutions for the development of the economy, medicine, etc. We have selected for you five modern bachelor's programmes in Belarusian universities, where foreign applicants can enter.


Another rare major for international students that is available at BSU and PSU. You will study computer science, programming technology, electronics and digital circuitry, artificial intelligence and big data systems, etc.

You will learn programming in C++, MatLab, Java, Python, and practical skills can be practised in laboratories with well-known companies such as EPAM Systems, Itransition, and Motorola.

After training you will become an IT specialist in protecting systems and networks from digital attacks: you will know methods and technologies of information protection; ensure the security of computer networks and telecommunication systems, data centres and cloud technologies, cyber-physical systems.

Laser technologies

Choosing this speciality, you will receive the qualification "Engineer" and will be able to work at enterprises that develop, produce and use modern optical, optoelectronic and laser devices.

You will also be able to create techniques to diagnose and treat diseases, improve the speed and communication of information flows, improve aerospace technology or equipment related to film and photo production.

You can study "Laser Technology" at BNTU.


This is one of the most promising and fastest growing fields in the world: robots are constantly being incorporated into the production of anything. For example, you will develop artificial vision and touch in robots, which allows them to collect information for various programmes and tasks.

The specialists have comprehensive training in various areas of high technology: mechanics, electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence and more.

You can study robotics at GrSU, VSTU, BNTU, GSTU

3D technology

You will study everything related to 3D printing. It combines design, technology and engineering activities, so you will accompany from start to finish the entire process related to 3D technology and the development of unique parts.

This technology is used in medicine, engineering, architecture, construction, design, cookery, etc.

There is a specialisation in three-dimensional technology in BelSTU, GSTU, BarSU, PSU.

You can find out more about these and other specialities for foreign applicants at universities in Belarus in our catalogue.

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Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
4 years
Belarusian State University
Online interview and admission
Bachelor's degree
CSE with a specialization in cybersecurity
4 years
Sharda University
Bachelor's degree
Production of products based on three-dimensional technologies
4 years
Gomel State Technical University P. O. Sukhoi
Bachelor's degree