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Gomel State Technical University P. O. Sukhoi

Gomel State Technical University P. O. Sukhoi the main image
State / Dormitory

General Information

Gomel State Technical University named after Sukhoi is a higher education institution for thefuture technical specialists. The university opened its doors to foreign students providing all possible conditions for their comfortable study.

Information about the university

The former director of the “Gomselmash” plant was the first to put forward the idea of ​​establishing a technological university. The first students started their studies in 1968. In 2012 the university received the status of a scientific organization. Today Gomel State Technical University is the leading university for the training of technical specialists, engineers and specialists with the highest scientific qualifications.

The University has 3 academic buildings that provide students with access to modern classrooms and laboratories. This provides the necessary conditions for theoretical and practical classes. The laboratory building of heavy equipment allows students to work with real equipment, which is an integral part of engineering education. Medical service of students is provided by 2 health centers equipped with everything necessary.

The University's own publishing base allows publishing a variety of educational and scientific literature, as well as printing products. Scientific and practical journal "Vestnik of  GSTU P.O. Sukhoi" and university-wide newspaper "Sushka" are important platforms for publication of scientific works and exchange of information about the life of the University.

The University structure

Gomel State Technical University has 20 faculties. Studying is conducted at 6 schools:
  • Energy;
  • Engineering;
  • Mechanical-technological;
  • Faculty of Automated and Information Systems;
  • Humanitarian and economic;
  • Faculty for Correspondence study.

The university also has an Institute of retraining and advanced study. Students receiving the 1st level of higher education can study in 21 specialties. Undergraduates have the opportunity to choose from 6 specialties, postgraduate students - from 9. Retraining and advanced study is carried out in 11 specialties. The University has a pre-university study for those who want to be enrolled in the GSTU.

The status of the university and academic programs

Today the GSTU named after Sukhoi employs about 400 highly qualified teachers, more than 160 of which have academic titles and degrees. A council has been established at the university that allows defending dissertations in 2 specialties.

The university takes an active part in the implementation of national and inter-university scientific and technical programs. It also actively cooperates  in the field of education and science with the Center for Theoretical Physics named after Abdus Salam (Trieste, Italy), the Universities of Trieste and Padua, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), the Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Wrocław), the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and other institutions of higher education.

Today GSTU is actively engaged in international cooperation and has concluded more than 80 agreements with foreign educational institutions: exchange of students, internships for students and teachers, joint research.

Since 2013 the university has been participating in 2 projects of the TEMPUS IV program as a part of consortia of universities in Europe and the CIS countries.

According to Webometrics the GSTU named after Sukhoi takes the 22th place among Belarusian universities and the 6752th place in the world.

For the convenience of foreign citizens, the University has a department of international relations, where foreign students and applicants can clarify all the information they are interested in. All foreign citizens can study at the GSTU in various specialties, including master's and postgraduate studies.
Educational buildings
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Life Conditions

All international students can be accommodated in a comfortable dormitory with rooms for 2-3 people. In total, the university has 3 dormitory buildings. All dormitories have everything necessary for living - kitchens, showers and bathrooms, laundries.

Dormitory building No. 1 has a sports hall, and dormitory building No. 2 has an aerobics room and a tennis room. Dormitory building 3 has a gym, tennis room and a volleyball and basketball court.

Students have the opportunity to spend their free time actively and interestingly, participating in the activities of the sports club, various creative and sports sections. Vocal and dance groups, as well as art groups allow to reveal creative potential. In addition, to facilitate the adaptation of international students, regular events such as international friendship evenings, as well as concerts reflecting the cultural traditions of different nations and dedicated to national holidays are organized.

Students are provided with 7 canteens and food points. Prices for hot meals are quite acceptable for students; however, the dormitory residents have the opportunity to cook their own meals.


Payment for accommodation in the dormitories of the University is regulated by the order of the rector and includes the use of the living quarters, adjoining premises and bedding. All foreign citizens who have applied to stay in the dormitory are guaranteed to be accommodated after registration and payment.
Sports complexes

University programs

Education levels