Answers to popular questions

We have compiled all the popular answers to frequently asked questions, as well as feedback from our students

COVID-19 is not a problem

How to study abroad when you'd better stay home? There's a way!

Despite the closed borders, quarantine in certain countries and a global panic because of the COVID-19, life still goes on. And this means that you still have to get your higher education. One of the most suitable ways to enrol in a university these days is to apply for a distant learning course and start your studies from home. Some Belarusian universities offer such courses to their international students - so it's time you tried on of them!

We have a great offer from the Belarusian State university if Informatics and Radioelectronics: it perfectly combines the most demanded professions and cheap tuition fees - $3000 per year.
So, BSUIR offers 5-year's long distant learning Bachelor degree courses in English for international students in the following majors:

There's also a Bachelor degree program at Francisk Skorina State University of Gomel in Automated Information Processing Systems. The tuition fee totals $950 per year and the program will take 5 years to cover. These days the university is thinking about expanding the range of its distant learning educational programs, so we will keep track of them and update the information on our platform. 

Remember: every virus will pass, but quality higher education will stay with you forever. MYUNIVER will help you with that - feel free to contact us.

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