Answers to popular questions

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What BSU offers to foreign applicants: modern education of international level

Today, more than 4,200 foreign students from 50 countries are studying at the Belarusian State University. To study at BSU is to be a part of the world intellectual elite.

Belarusian State University is the leading higher education institution of the Republic of Belarus, which trains internationally recognised specialists. It is among the best universities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, according to the British agency QS.

Today, more than 4,200 foreign students from 50 countries are studying at the Belarusian State University. To study at BSU is to be a part of the world intellectual elite.

The university's electronic library ranks 2nd among the world's best open access university repositories. And in 2018 BSU launched its own satellite "BSUSat-1", it was developed and created by the university teachers and students. Now the satellite is in orbit at an altitude of more than 500 kilometres.

What else can BSU offer to foreign applicants?

Modern educational programmes

Today at the Belarusian State University you can get higher education in 80 bachelor's degree specialities, in more than 46 master's degree specialities; postgraduate programmes are represented by 132 specialities of various branches of science.

Every year the university introduces new specialties and study programmes, including for foreign applicants: for example, Cybersecurity, Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Geotechnologies of Tourism and Excursion Activities.

Various forms of education and democratic prices

At BSU it is possible to study at the following levels:

  • Preparatory courses for foreign citizens, study period - 1 year;
  • General higher education (bachelor's degree), duration of study - 4–5 years;
  • Advanced higher education (Master's degree), term of study - 1–2 years;
  • Postgraduate education (postgraduate studies, doctoral studies), term of study - 3–5 years.

Full-time day, full-time evening, part-time, part-time distance learning forms of study are available.

The academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn and spring. The examination session takes place twice - in January and June.

The tuition fee for a full-time undergraduate programme (for the entire period of study) starts from USD 12,400. By the way, on the territory of Belarus, tuition is paid in Belarusian rubles at the exchange rate of the National Bank effective on the day of payment.

Dormitory accommodation

International students get a place in a hostel while studying at BSU. The university has a dormitory in the student village - a comfortable complex with a café, a supermarket, a sports centre, dental and therapeutic offices, and a kindergarten.

Assistance and support in adaptation

The BSU has a "Council of Compatriotic Communities" - a self-governing body, which consists of different national compatriotic communities. Council

organised at the initiative of international students to help foreign guests to get acquainted with the educational environment of the university.

You can find out more about admission to BSU for international applicants on the university page in our catalogue. There you can also leave a request for assistance in admission - our team will take care of all organisational issues related to the application process, getting into a hostel or finding a flat, as well as help you get used to your new place.

Are there any questions about admissions?
Our expert will help.
Applied computer science (software for computer systems)
4 years
Belarusian State University
Online interview and admission
Bachelor's degree
Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
4 years
Belarusian State University
Online interview and admission
Bachelor's degree