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New Majors and Training Programs for Foreign Students at Belarusian State University

Get a degree in new majors at the leading university of the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian State University is among the top 1% of the best higher education institutions in the world. Every year, new majors and training programs are introduced at the university, which are also suitable for foreign applicants.


With each passing year, the volume of digital data increases exponentially. In light of this, BSU has opened a new major at the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, as the demand for specialists in this field grows every year.

Over the course of 4 years, you will study the fundamentals of computer security and gain knowledge in programming languages such as C++, MatLab, Java, and Python. You will also learn to apply your skills in modern laboratories in collaboration with companies such as EPAM Systems, Motorola, D-Link, and others.

When applying for this major, you will have the following opportunities:

    Bioengineering and Bioinformatics

    DNA, RNA, tissue and organ cultivation, as well as the creation of genetically modified organisms and biotechnologies, are an integral part of modern science. Due to the high demand for qualified professionals in this field, Belarusian State University has opened the major of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics.

    Over the course of 4 years, you will study the necessary blocks of biological, informational, mathematical, and physicochemical disciplines. The education will take place at four faculties:

      By studying this major, you will have the opportunity to reside in the student dormitories of Belarusian State University, engage in scientific research, participate in academic mobility programs, and be part of the university's social life.

      Geotechnology of Tourism and Excursion Activities

      This major is planned to be introduced in 2023 at the Faculty of Geography. The reason for introducing this major is the demand for qualified specialists in the job market.

      The university offers the opportunity to study a complex of geographical, socio-economic, geoinformation, and digital technologies, which will help you become a highly qualified and sought-after specialist. You will learn to analyze data in the tourism and excursion sphere, familiarize yourself with the organization of tourism and excursion activities, and learn the basics of business planning. Practical classes will be conducted under the guidance of specialists from the largest tourist operators in Belarus.

      Dormitories are provided for 100% of foreign applicants. Additionally, at the faculty, you will have the opportunity to engage in scientific and social activities, participate in sports events, and become part of one of the numerous creative student groups at BSU.

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