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Online Interview for Part-Time Students

Why do international students choose part-time studies? What is the online interview for? Why Belarus?

This is Alexander from Israel, who chose MYUNIVER's online interview service and got enrolled as a part-time student of the Finance and Banking Faculty at Belarus State Economic University. Alexander came to Minsk for his first end-of-term exams and met with us to tell about his impressions.

Alexander, why have you decided to get higher education in Belarus?

I have a curious mind and I like to learn new things; for example, I managed to learn English on my own. I have always been interested in the field of economy and one day I realized the level of my knowledge is not enough for me, I want to become a licensed specialist. It happened so that about 20 years ago I moved to Israel, but I visit Belarus very often. So when I was ready for getting my higher education I knew already that it has to be a Belarusian university, so that these two countries - Belarus and Israel - would get even closer together in my heart.

Which universities did you consider?

I got interested in Belarus State University at first, but I was unable to figure out how to apply. So I contacted Belarus State Economic University - and they helped me to apply for Finance and Credit major.

How did your application process go?

I prepared all the required documents - it happened so that my spouse was going to Belarus in August and she delivered my documents straight to the university. I already bought the tickets and was getting ready to fly to Minsk to undergo the admission interview. But then I got contacted by MYUNIVER specialists who partner with BSEU and proposed to take an online interview instead.


Why did you decide to take up the online interview?

In my case, there was a notable cost reduction and time efficiency. Although I managed to find cheap flight tickets to Kaunas, Lithuania (they costed about 200USD), it was the amount of time that I managed to save that mattered.  Besides my job I also do some extra work on my days off, so I would have lost a great deal of my income during these days - something around 2000USD. Not to mention the money I would have to pay for renting an apartment in Minsk for thу period of admission.

How did the online interview go?

It was organized via  Skype. At an agreed time MYUNIVER specialist organized a video-conference with the university representatives. They asked me some questioned and estimated the level of my Russian - and practically right after the interview I got a call from MYUNIVER specialist who informed me on my successful enrollment. Later on I received a study agreement and an invoice from the university. After I transferred the payment all I had to do is to continue working till January and get ready to fly to Belarus for my first end-of-term exams.

Why did you choose to be a part-time student?

It's quite obvious in my case - I have a family I have to provide for. Part-time studies allow me to get my education without affecting my income.

What about Israel - aren't there courses with part-time studies too?

Well, they are not the same as in Belarus. We have a so-called "open university", but you have to come there every evening - it is more time-consuming.

How are your end-of-term exams going?

Oh, it is very interesting. Today I made a report on the geopolitical analysis of Israel - a very interesting topic to me, and I can say that I didn't have to prepare for a lot of time, I didn't even need my notes to deliver the report. By the way, I got an automatic 'pass' for the exam on this subject owing to my good report. Right now we are covering more general subjects, today we started microeconomics. I am a bit scared of higher math - luckily international students don't have to pass an exam on it. Teachers understand that some of the subjects are rather difficult for us. We are already receiving assignments for the next end-of term-exams - and it's clear already that we will have to prepare for them thoroughly.

Have you thought already about where you're going to use the new knowledge?

First of all, there are a lot of representatives of the Belarusian companies in Israel, like Santa Bremor and Belavia - they might need to hire local qualified specialists. And secondly, my Belarusian diploma might be useful at my current job. I am working in a large start-up of a well-known Israeli businessman, doing Research and Development. But our boss knows how to encourage his employees and find a place for every skill and knowledge they possess - so it is very likely that my knowledge in the economic field will be put to good use.

And our last question is about Belarus - have you observed any changes for the last 20 years?

Every time I come to Belarus with my children everyone tells me how much they have grown - but I don't notice this myself. Same is with your country: a lot of things has changed for the best, you just don't notice it yourself. I would like to note the high level of services: whenever you go, to a cafe, a restaurant or a company like MYUNIVER - you receive a high-quality service, even better than in Israel!

Thank you! :)
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