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Belarus State Economic University

Belarus State Economic University the main image
Private / Dormitory

General Information

Belarusian State Economic University cordially invites foreign students to study. The university is provided with everything necessary for living and successful education.

Information about the university

BSEU is one of the oldest educational institutions in Belarus. Since 1933, the Belarusian State Economic University has been training specialists in various economic areas, and in recent years - of other related disciplines. Nowadays, the Belarusian State Economic University remains the leading university in the training of specialists in the field of economy. BSEU is one of the first universities in the country that is certified according to the international quality management system (STB ISO 9001-2009).

The structure of the university includes 11 faculties:

  • Faculty of Marketing and Logistics
  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Accounting
  • Faculty of Finance and Banking
  • Faculty of Commerce and Tourism Industry
  • Faculty of International Business Communications
  • Faculty "Higher School of Management and Business"
  • Faculty of pre-university training
  • Institute for Social and Humanitarian Education

 And three subsidiary educational institutions:

  • Minsk College of Trade;
  • Minsk College of Finance and Economics;
  • Novogrudsk College of Trade and Economics.

In addition, the university has the opportunity of distance learning since 2017. Retraining of personnel is also provided for by this University and is carried out by two faculties:

  • Faculty of  Advanced Training
  • Faculty of retraining "Consulttorgtsentr"

The status  of the university and academic programs

The teaching personnel of the university is fully staffed with employees with many years of experience. Due to the high qualification of the staff and modern training programs, the Belarusian State Economic University received the status of a scientific organization in 2014. The main specialization of the BSEU is an economic orientation, including marketing and management, business communications and the tourism industry. 

As of 2018, BSEU is in the second place in the TRANSPARENT RANKING: Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations, in the fifth place in the UniRank rating and the eighth in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities.

You can prepare for admission to the Belarusian State Economic University in the preparatory department of the University which is also available for foreign citizens. Master's and postgraduate courses are available for foreign citizens. Master's, doctoral and postgraduate programs are available for study in English. There is a separate Dean's office for foreign students

Currently, there are cooperation agreements with 119 universities and research organizations in the near and far abroad, including even the University of Wales.
Educational buildings
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Life Conditions

For students accommodation BSEU has its own campus consisting of 8 buildings. All of them are located near the University buildings, literally within walking distance. There's also a new dormitory at the students' village of Minsk. The type of dormitories is mixed. There are self-study and computer rooms in the campus buildings.

The campus has fitness facilities, tennis rooms and gyms. There are also stadiums where sports competitions are held. In addition, the campus has  31 sections in 8 sports. The Belarusian State Economic University also provides students with the possibility of rest and rehabilitation in a health care center located just 10 kilometers from Minsk on the coast of the Zaslavsky reservoir.

As for meals, BSEU has its own canteen, buffets and cafeterias. The canteen provides a full range of hot meals and desserts at affordable prices for students.


The fee for accommodation in the campus for foreign citizens is set at the rate of  full coverage of all expenses for the maintenance of the student at the place of residence. It includes utilities and additional services:  furniture, bedding, laundry, cleaning and so on.
Sports complex

University programs

Education levels