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Advantages of medical education in Belarus for international students

Medical education in Belarus is becoming increasingly popular among international students due to its high quality, affordability and international recognition. We will look at the main advantages that make studying in Belarus attractive for students from different countries.

High level of education

Medical universities such as the Belarusian State Medical University (BSMU) and Gomel State Medical University (GSMU) are known for their high level of education. The training programs meet international standards and include both theoretical and practical training. Students receive practical training in the simulation and certification center and at the patient's bedside, which helps to shape clinical thinking. They get the opportunity to work in modern laboratories and clinics, through which they acquire the necessary skills and experience for their future work.

Affordable tuition fees

One of the key advantages of medical education in Belarus is its affordable tuition fees. At the Belarusian State Medical University (BSMU), every third student is a foreigner. The university offers quality medical education at an affordable price - about $5,000 per year. Compared to other countries, such as the USA, UK or Australia, education in Belarus is much cheaper. This makes medical education acceptable to students from countries with different income levels.

Medical education in Belarus is becoming increasingly popular among international students, especially those from African countries such as Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Ecuador, Guinea and Ghana. The local education systems of these countries cannot cope with the growing demand for higher education, while Belarusian universities offer an optimal price-quality ratio, thus attracting a large number of foreign students. According to the law “On External Labor Migration”, both students and graduates can work in their specialty without special permits.  

Multicultural environment

Belarusian medical universities attract students from different countries, which creates a multinational and culturally diverse environment. This allows students to exchange experience and knowledge, as well as develop intercultural skills that will be useful in their future professional activities.

International student support

Belarusian universities offer various support programs for international students. This includes help with adaptation, language courses, visa and accommodation counseling. Universities also organize cultural and sporting events, which helps students to integrate more quickly into the new environment and feel comfortable. In the dormitories, international students are assigned to each tutor and are assisted if necessary.

Creative self-realization

Belarusian universities have created conditions for students' creative self-realization and leisure activities. International students participate in sports, scientific and social events, creative groups, hobby groups and sports sections. They also get acquainted with the traditions and culture of Belarus by visiting sightseeing tours and participating in national holidays of different countries.

Medical education in Belarus offers many advantages to international students, including a high level of education, affordable tuition fees, international recognition of diplomas, a multicultural environment and university support. These factors make Belarus an attractive choice for those seeking a quality medical education and a successful career in medicine.

Speaking of updates, in 2024 citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan can:

  • participate in the budget places competition together with applicants from the Republic of Belarus (it is necessary to provide certificates of centralized testing (CT) in Russian (Belarusian) language, chemistry and biology, obtained in the year of admission or in the previous year);
  • participate in the competition for paid places on an equal basis with applicants from the Republic of Belarus (it is necessary to provide certificates of centralized testing in Russian (Belarusian) language, chemistry and biology, received in the year of admission or in the previous year). The tuition fee in this case will be the same as for citizens of the Republic of Belarus.
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Medical business
6 years
Belarusian State Medical University
Bachelor's degree
Medical business
6 years
Gomel state medical university
Online interview
Bachelor's degree
5 years
Belarusian State Medical University
Bachelor's degree