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The list of professions for which foreigners can be employed has been expanded

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus has updated the list of professions for which the foreign citizens will be able to be employed in 2025 without taking into account the restrictions on the protection of the national labour market. This decision comes into force on 1 January 2025 and implies the addition of six new positions compared to the list in force in 2024.

According to Resolution No. 99 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of 12 December 2024, foreigners and stateless persons who do not have a permanent residence permit in the country may be employed in certain jobs without the need to obtain a special permit. To do so, the employer need only inform the internal affairs authority of the intention to employ a foreign citizen in one of the professions included in the updated list.

In case the profession is not included in the new list, the employer will need to obtain a special permit and justify that the vacant jobs cannot be occupied by Belarusian citizens or foreigners with a residence permit.

The list has been expanded by 6 positions to provide employers with staffing:

- Track fitter

- Salesman

- Plumber

- Electronics engineer

- Technician

- Electromechanic

The list now contains 41 professions, including such in-demand specialties as concrete worker, bricklayer, painter, cook, sanitary worker, seamstress and driver. The list also includes 18 positions, including agronomist, veterinarian, engineer, software engineer and process engineer.

When employing foreigners in these occupations, employers should consider several key points:

1. A special permit is not required.

2. Within three working days from the moment of signing the labour contract, it is necessary to inform the citizenship and migration department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee or local Department of Internal Affairs of Oblast Executive Committee.

3. Only fixed-term employment contracts shall be concluded with foreign workers, the term of which shall not exceed the validity of the list, i.e. until 31 December 2025.

This expansion of the list of professions is intended to help employers to provide the necessary personnel and simplify the process of attracting foreign specialists to Belarus.

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