Answers to popular questions

We have compiled all the popular answers to frequently asked questions, as well as feedback from our students


State / Dormitory

General Information


The institution has two campuses, namely Topkapı Campus and Vadi Istanbul Campus. The teaching hospitals used are the Istinje Gaziosmanpaşa University Hospital Medical Park and the Istinje Liv University Hospital Bahçeşehir Hospital. Through the Erasmus+ program, bilateral agreements and other international agreements, the university seeks to create opportunities for students, academic and administrative staff to take advantage of international exchange programs.
 Istinje University is moving forward in its educational, research and development activities with the goal of becoming an institution that impacts society on the national and international stage.

Academic units

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
  • Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Communication
  • Health Sciences Faculty


  • Postgraduate Institute
  • Vocational Schools
  • Health Care Vocational School
  • Vocational School
  • Vocational School (Turkish)
  • Vocational School of Health Services (Turkish)

The university welcomes international students from different countries and offers a good environment for their undergraduate and graduate studies.

In addition to the Erasmus+ program and the international exchange programs, the university is developing into a global and scholarly educational institution through academic cooperation with reputable universities around the world.
The university provides instruction in both Turkish and English languages. The university stands out for its location and modern campus in Istanbul. The campus has 93 lecture rooms, 63 laboratories, 2 conference rooms, a 200-seat student room, an architecture room 4, a computer room 3, and a student study room 60. Adjacent to these are the study center, library, dining hall, study areas, and places where students spend their social and academic lives on the Topkapi campus. There is also the ERASMUS program. Students can study at the university for 2 years and spend the remaining 2 years studying in Europe. The university provides an excellent opportunity for students to travel because of its location. Students can also work while studying. Students can work in nearby stores and hotels. The university has a library, common room, internet room, sports ground for soccer and basketball, 24/7 access to Wi-Fi, lab and common room.

Athletic Activities

As a Student Center, the university strives to promote and develop a sports culture following the principle "ISU Students are Sporty. To that end, the university participates in local and national tournaments with top sports teams and individual athletes in more than 10 different sports.
Educational buildings
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Life Conditions

There is an International Student Orientation Office, a division of the Office of 

Student Center, established to provide academic and non-academic 
support to all international students studying at Trinity University. 
The University is committed to helping you with academic (courses, exams, etc.) and non-academic 
(dorms, transportation, etc.) issues, including life at Truth University. The university tries to find answers and solutions to all your problems, trying to guide you until you meet with the right administrative/academic staff to complete the process. The university understands how difficult it is to start living in a new country and studying at a university, so it tries to supervise all of its international students frequently.  The top priority is your proper adjustment to ISU.  To that end, the International Student Office is dedicated to preparing events, tournaments, competitions, educational panels and conferences, Tea&Talk meetings and special days to provide you with a unique experience of university life as well as provide a space to support your cultural habits.

 The university has 72 active student clubs.

Istinje University has produced its first graduates, awarding 278 associate degrees. İSÜSEM was created to provide the educational infrastructure of Istiénier University and to offer academic classes and other benefits to its faculty and staff.
The university also has a Center for Research and Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (TYZAUM) to conduct research and develop projects on the interaction between artificial intelligence and medicine.
Sports complexes

University programs

Education levels